The signs of spring are here. Trees are budding, grass is greening — and millions of allergy sufferers are taking pills, inhaling nasal sprays and avoiding the outdoors to control reactions that range from mild sniffles to dangerous asthma attacks. Few, however, are using what may be the most effective treatment for uncontrolled symptoms: immunotherapy, or what most people know as allergy shots. The practice of injecting people with increasing amounts of the substances they are allergic to, so they can build gradual tolerance, is nearly 100 years old.
春天已經到來,樹本開始發出新葉,綠油油的草地也再度出現 - 百萬計的過敏患者又開始吃藥、使用通鼻劑、加上盡量不外出,才能控制從輕微鼻塞到嚴重氣喘發作的反應。 但是,卻有一些患者,正在使用可能是目前最有效的治療法,來對抗無法控制的症狀:免疫療法 (或者是大部份人所熟知的抗敏針)。免疫療法在實用上已有 100 年之久,主要以注入人們會過敏的物質,逐次增加劑量,讓患者可漸漸的建立起忍受力。
But shots are used by just 5% of nasal allergy patients.
但是,只有 5 % 的鼻子過敏患者,有接受抗敏針療法。